Open Call - Masks 2024

Open Call - Masks 2024

Chamadas Abertas

de 22 de agosto de 2024 até 08 de setembro de 2024

Arttere Virtual Gallery

Registration deadline:  09/08/2024

We invite artists from all visual arts disciplines to participate in our next exhibition, dedicated to the exploration of masks.

The mask, an ancient and timeless object, invites us to a deep reflection on identity, otherness and the complexity of the human experience. Be it a physical object, a social construction or a mental state, the mask reveals and hides, transforms and transcends.

In this exhibition, we look for works that:
  • Explore the symbology and meaning of masks in different cultures and historical contexts.
  • They investigate the relationships between the physical face and inner identity.
  • They use the mask as a metaphor to discuss themes such as duality, performance, alienation and authenticity.
  • They experiment with innovative materials and techniques to bring new forms of masks to life.
How to participate:

Register for free at , create an artist profile and send your works through the platform including #Mascaras2024  in the description of the works .

You can register as many works as you want, all works registered by the registration deadline with  #Mascaras2024  in the description will participate in the selection.

Deadline for registration: 09/08/2024


A committee of curators will analyze all proposals and select the works that best fit the theme of the exhibition. 

The exhibition will be held at the Arttere Virtual Gallery
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