When two become one

Autor: LudIArt.digital

Cadastrado em 06/09/2023

ETH 5,0000

Data: 2023
Tipo de obra: NFT
Técnica: Digital art, illustration and design style, colorful, artistic.
URL do NFT: https://opensea.io/collection/couple-in-the-window
Dimensões: A 1,08 x L 1,08
Localização: opensea.io
Cor primária: colorful
Cor secundária: colorful
Descrição: In 'When Two Become One', my canvases sing. Couples in love, accomplice windows, guitars whisper serenades. In tones of love and joy, I brush the alliance that never breaks, triple as an intertwined cord. Tender saga of two hearts,
building without recipes, just dreams. Love and respect weave the journey, step by step, together, eternally united in the history they intertwine.

Fotos da obra

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