Yeshua Hamashia the lion of Juda 3 / 15#


Cadastrado em 12/12/2024

ETH 2,0000

Data: 2023
Tipo de obra: NFT
Técnica: Arte digital, pintura digital
Dimensões: A 0,81 x L 1.084,00
Localização: Cor primária: colorido
Cor secundária: colorido
Descrição: My collection of 15 artworks is a profound expression of my spiritual journey and transformation through connecting with Yeshua Hamashia, Jesus Christ, the Messiah and the Lion of Judah. spring season. Here, the desert becomes a symbol of introspection and challenge, while the blossoming spring symbolizes the renewal that Yeshua brought into my life. With careful brushstrokes, I captured the contrasts between aridity and vitality, conveying the journey of faith and hope that I have been walking. Each work is a visual testament to the inner transformation I experienced in Yeshua, inviting others to contemplate their own quest for renewal and the beauty of spiritual connection.


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