
Autor: Andrea Benetti

Cadastrado em 24/07/2022

€ 3.000,00

Data: 2020
Tipo de obra: Pintura
Técnica: oil and oxides on bas-relief in plaster on canvas
Dimensões: A 0,70 x L 0,70 x P 0,02
Localização: Bologna - Italy
Cor primária: arancio
Cor secundária: azzurro
Descrição: This collection of works was born to remember that the style of figurative painting, symbolism and abstract art were conceived, at least in their embryonic phase, by primitive man, in the caves of prehistory. Some colored geometric shapes, found in rock paintings, symbols designed and codified by Professor André Leroi Gourhan, are revised, transfigured, idealized, dreamed, reinvented in the works of Andrea Benetti, who wants to pay a dutiful homage to the true origins of abstract art and to those who invented it.

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